
Resource Portfolio – Ethics of Care



Dr. Jordan Peterson on Jungian Analysis

Jordan B. Peterson is a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.  In this clip, taken from a longer lecture entitled, Biblical Series VIII: The Phenomenology of the Divine, he discusses Jungian analysis.  More specifically, he uses the metaphor of King Arthur’s knights to illustrate how psychologically, the most important place for us to examine internally is the place that we least want to look.  For the self-care domain, this resource is exceptional in communicating how important it is to confront the darkest part of ourselves so that we can heal that which has injured us in the past.

“Where do you go when you don’t know where to look?”

Jordan B. Peterson, https://jordanbpeterson.com
Video is a clip from original 2 hour and 40 minute lecture at:  https://youtu.be/UoQdp2prfmM July 27, 2017

Steve Jobs’ Commencement Address

One of the icons of the 20th and 21st centuries, Steve Jobs gives his now famous commencement address at Stanford University on June 12, 2005.  Given his humble beginnings and his eventual massive impact on technology, culture, business, lifestyle and the global economy, this video is the perfect resource for anyone discussing the domain of self-care under the topics of: individual identity, finding passion, self-esteem, career, trauma, grief, recovery and coping with the unknown.

“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish . . .”

Stanford University, 295 Galvez Street Stanford, CA 94305–6104
Uploaded to YouTube, March 7, 2008

Transcript of Speech:  https://news.stanford.edu/news/2005/june15/jobs-061505.html

Resource Agencies

The Healer Within Foundation/Institute for Integral Qigong and Tai Chi
130 S Patterson Ave #1447, Santa Barbara, CA 93116 : Phone 805-617-3390

American Psychological Association
750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 | Contact Support
Telephone: (800) 374-2721; (202) 336-5500 | TDD/TTY: (202) 336-6123

Internet Resources

Identify 3 appropriate sites and detail at least one site you believe to be most appropriate for each of the 3 levels of care, (share with a hyperlink) stating clearly how you will use this site to benefit your work/self. Provide examples where possible of 1) Materials available 2) How could material/information be used?

Boundaries.me – (Most Appropriate) a newer website of Dr. Henry Cloud that is a membership site providing access to his many online courses.  I watched many of Dr. Cloud’s videos while I was going through a very difficult time (some are still on YouTube), and this resource formalizes some of that great content with new courses, coaching and structure.  This site can be used as a way to bring a small group into a mental health professional’s private community and serve multiple possible outcomes for the group.

tonyrobbins.com – ok yes, it may be over-used, but the results that people have seen over time with his content and coaching cannot be denied.  If you don’t know about Tony, any self-care curriculum must include, at the very least, a reference to him and his resources for life strategy and your own care.

Healstress.com Podcast – ok, I have to do a pitch for some of our own work.  We created an online community with the intent of helping others heal their stress and feel better.  As destiny would have it, we were pulled in a different direction and decided to spin that community down a little while ago.  What remains currently however, are some exceptional interviews that we did with people around the world – documenting their stories and their relationship to stress.  I encourage you to take a listen.  The podcast can be found on iTunes and Spotify and as recordings on davescheer.com.  They can be used anywhere personal experiences with stress can help your own journey through difficult times.

Web-Based Technologies

The MindBody App (available on your favorite app store) – created by the Mindbody company (a provider of software to fitness and wellness studios) the app assists in finding local wellness classes, can track your activity, steps taken and calories burned.  It helps manage your fitness classes that you have booked in the past and can help you build a schedule or track fitness passes.


Cloud, H. (2010). Necessary endings : the employees, businesses, and relationships that all of us have to give up in order to move forward. Harperbusiness.
In a very accessible way, Dr. Cloud writes about the importance of recognizing and accepting the endings in our lives as a way to make room for new things to grow.  The book is filled with practical examples that can apply to a variety of circumstances to individual lives.

Periodical Articles

Lifshitz, Liran BPt, MSc, PT; Bar Sela, Shlomo BPt MPE; Gal, Noga BPt, MSc; Martin, RobRoy PhD, PT; Fleitman Klar, Michal BPt Iliopsoas the Hidden Muscle: Anatomy, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Current Sports Medicine Reports: June 2020 – Volume 19 – Issue 6 – p 235-243
doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000723 – In the past, I have had some issues with my Iliopsoas.  My own self care included self massage of this very deep muscle/muscle group.

David L. Blustein, Ryan Duffy, Joaquim A.Ferreira, Valerie Cohen-Scali, Rachel Gali Cinamon, Blake A. Allan. Unemployment in the time of COVID-19: A research agenda. Journal of Vocational Behavior.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/J.JVB.2020.103436



Tony Robbins’ Ted Talk

An incredibly powerful TED Talk presentation on the human need to serve others by Tony Robbins.  Watch the video . . . you won’t need any suggestions from me on how to use this resource to educate your own audience about the ethics and value of other-care.

“On 9/11, a man stood up and said, ‘I am Pakistani . . . and this is retribution . . .'”

Tony Robbins, TED Talks – Why We Do What We Do
Uploaded to YouTube, October 1, 2012

Dr. John Gottman on Marriage

Dr. John Gottman is a clinician and researcher in psychology ” . . . who did extensive work over four decades on divorce prediction and marital stability.” (Wikipedia).  This video can be used to help people care for the most significant other in their lives, their spouses.  Content centers on Dr. Gottman’s findings of decades of research on what makes marriage work.

“I’m not a relationship guru . . .”

Dr. John Gottman, Making Marriage Work
Uploaded to YouTube Jan 30, 2018

Resource Agencies

(Single Resource – Most Supportive, care for others) – Society for Human Resource Management – this professional association was created as a resource for Human Resource professionals globally.  Because the purpose of HR pros is to take care of the people in their organizations, they very often require a very robust support system.  This is definitely one.  When I was in HR Management, I used this site for many different types of “other care.”

  • Potential guest speakers – SHRM has a full blown Speakers’ Bureau and a Speaker directory that can be leveraged for virtual or physical events.  Speakers are available at any level on almost any topic related to the HR field.
  • Free materials used for your work/self – In the past, I have used the resources on this site to look at templates for HR Policies and Procedures and to also look and see how other professionals were approaching/solving a problem.
  • Possible audiovisual or curricular material to support your work/self – SHRM has a codified Body of Knowledge that must be mastered to obtained various certifications offered by the HR Institute.
  • Detail how you believe you could/would use this agency in your occupational setting – as I stated above, this agency can be used in many ways including: serving as a source of material, serving as a living community with which to connect about challenges, serving as a source of Subject Matter Experts, serving as a source for professional development, and serving as a source of cutting edge techniques and methods addressing the most current topics in the field.

PMI.org – also a global professional organization, the Project Management Institute’s content is as high quality and robust as SHRM’s.  The organization provides a Body of Knowledge, Subject Matter Experts, and massive content on caring for projects and those who execute them.

Internet Resources

Wisconsin Small Business Development Center (SBDC) – at Stevens Point.  https://wisconsinsbdc.org/centers/stevenspoint/ – this is a site that I am currently in the process of using to get connected with others who are Entrepreneurs.  I am looking to use it, not only to help our businesses, but hopefully as a place that I can help other entrepreneurs who are experiencing challenges that we have been through.  Materials available include content that will help at different stages in the entrepreneurial journey as well as subject matter experts in varying topics.  The plan would be for me to become a subject matter expert to assist others.

https://www.caregiver.org/ – Caregiving website for those caring for adult loved ones with health conditions.

WebMD Parenting Center – https://www.webmd.com/parenting/default.htm

Web-Based Technologies

Care.com App – this is a matchmaking app for those who need caregivers and those who want to provide care.  We used this app to help find babysitter/nanny for our daughter when she was younger.  It is a great app to use to find caregivers that are somewhat vetted and checked by the publisher of the app.  Also a great way to find people that are in your area and what credentials and experience they have.


Kübler-Ross, E., & Kessler, D. (2014). On grief & grieving : finding the meaning of grief through the five stages of loss. Simon & Schuster.
Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, author of her landmark book, On Death and Dying, teams up with David Kessler to explore grief through the 5 stages of loss model.  This book, or portions of it can be utilized to define and explain the stages of grief and how it can be applied to all forms of loss.  It can be used as a resource to help others metabolize what they are going through as a result of the loss.

Periodical Articles

How to Take Care of Others Without Burning Out. (n.d.). Time. Retrieved August 9, 2020, from https://time.com/4886913/how-to-take-care-of-others-without-burning-out/

Robinson, H. (2005, October 3). A Blended Family United: Tips for Overcoming Issues Together. Parents; Parents. https://www.parents.com/parenting/divorce/blended-families/navigating-the-challenges-of-blended-families/



Prof. Tim Allen on Water

In a 5 minute lecture series from 2009 at the UW-Madison, Professor Tim Allen reveals why our relationship to water is so important.  Care for our water environment will be the focus of this resource for you as you use it flip the carbon-based life orientation on its head.  Be ready for a massive environmental paradigm shift in 4 minutes and 54 seconds.  Brilliant.

“We’re some ocean, that’s brought its zoplankton with it . . .”

Professor Tim Allen, University of Wisconsin Madison 5 Minute Lecture Series, Madison, Wisconsin
Uploaded to YouTube, October 9, 2009

Dr. Peter Glick at TEDx Oshkosh

Peter Glick, PhD is the Henry Merritt Wriston Professor at Lawrence University and a Senior Scientist with the Neuroleadership Institute discusses toxic environments and how we can care for them.

” . . . callous, ruthless, dominant . . .”

Peter Glick at Oshkosh, WI TEDx Talk
Uploaded to YouTube Nov 7, 2019

Resource Agencies

United States Department of the Interior – https://www.doi.gov/ – as the website says, “The DOI conserves and manages the Nation’s natural resources and cultural heritage for the benefit and enjoyment of the American people.”  Perhaps a bit nation-centric, but it is definitely a resource for those issues of conservation and environmental management within the boundaries of the United States.

UN Environment Programme: UNEP – https://www.unenvironment.org/ – if you are looking more for an international flavor, “The United Nations Environment Programme is responsible for coordinating the UN’s environmental activities and assisting developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices. (Wikipedia)  While both of these resources focus on a more traditional view of ‘environment’ they bring together the full force of large scale resources to care for the nation and the planet.

Internet Resources

https://www.ted.com/ – Perhaps a less traditional view is the world’s environment of ideas.  One resource that is certainly on the top of the list as an environment rich for sharing a world’s ideas, is the TED concept.  There are a multitude of TED talks on almost any topic.  But it is the care of the idea forum itself that can be used as a demonstration of environmental care.  In a free forum where ideas can be exchanged we witness a conscious and sub-conscious environment being cared for.

National Geographic – https://www.nationalgeographic.com/ – One of National Geographic’s strength’s is to tell a visual story about different environments that are exceptional at eliciting powerful emotions which lead to action.

NASA – https://www.nasa.gov/ – this could be listed dually under agencies for environmental care, but decided to just list it here.  Perhaps no other entity on the planet has such a rich history of creating resources of care on the largest scale we have yet encountered; the universe.  Care for our environment must include the exploration and steps toward care of our known universe and the actions we take to learn about the unknown.

Web-Based Technologies

SimCity App – Honestly, short of sticking your hands in dirt, there is no better way to understand the impact of your actions or inaction on a macro scale, than to play a few rounds of SimCity.  From developing agriculture and technology to understanding the complexities of production and trade, getting sucked into this fascinating little app game builds incredible awareness of our inter-dependency with our environment.  Over time it teaches the benefits of using resources wisely, and the consequences of using them poorly.


Jacobs, Jane. 1968. The Economy of Cities. New York.
A book that explores a reversed paradigm where rural economies, including agricultural work are directly build upon city economies and city work.  This is an interesting implication for the need to care for our cities including its relationship to our food.

Periodical Articles

White, L. (1967). The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. Science, 155(3767), 1203–1207. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.155.3767.1203

‌Hardin, Garrett (1968). The Tragedy of the Commons. Science, 162(3859), 1243-1248.  DOI: 10.1126/science.162.3859.1243