Program Outcomes Cover Sheet
Name:  David Scheer Emphasis:  General Education / Adult Education
Program Outcome 1 The application of graduate-level knowledge in core and research areas, as well as in the chosen emphasis area. (At least 1 artifact)
Program Outcome 2 The ability to integrate content knowledge into curricular, instructional, and assessment strategies for students at different educational levels or in the Master’s student applicable professional area. (At least 2 artifacts)
Program Outcome 3 The ability to formulate, implement, and sustain evidence-based practices in an educational or professional environment. (At least 2 artifacts)
Program Outcomes Title of Artifact Include the course number, in the appropriate box, for which the artifact was completed. (Must have 3 artifacts from Core or Research Courses and 2 artifacts from Emphasis/Elective)
Core Research Emphasis/Elective
Outcome 1, Artifact 1 Final Research Paper
Final Research Presentation
EDUC 707
Outcome 2, Artifact 1 1) Ethics in Technology Unit
2) Trauma Sensitive Project Management
1) Transferred in from UW-Whitewater SECNDED 626 2) EDSU 709
Outcome 2, Artifact 2 1) Blogs for Educ 790, EDSU 709
2) Qigong Online Courses
1) EDUC 790 2) EDUC 707
Outcome 3, Artifact 1 Curriculum Re-Orientation Design Toward Sustainability EDSU 703
Outcome 3, Artifact 2 Resilience Presentation Video
Resilience Personal Reflections
Self Care Video
EDUC 790